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The second Transnational Meeting for the European Project DEAL was carried out on 24 & 25 September 2019 in Meppel, Netherlands. DEAL is a two-year Erasmus+ KA2 Project aims at improving the skills and the abilities of carers for people with dementia.

At this meeting, each partner reported what has been achieved so far according to the Project plan.

In addition, during the meeting, partners discussed the training program and its final form. Carers of people with dementia will have another tool to improve their services soon. Finally, they discussed each partner’s next activities and planned the upcoming meeting.

Project partners are and University of Patras from Greece, SOSU Ostjland and Aarhus Kommune from Denmark, ASP Martelli and Irecoop Toscana from Italy, ROC Drenthe College from Netherlands and Errotu Taldea SA from Spain.

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