University of Patras and organize training program on “Care of patients with dementia”, in framework of European Project “DEAL: Dementia, Education, Approach, Life” (Erasmus+ KA2, KA202 2018-011).
The training program addresses to:
- Professionals caregivers of people with dementia
- Health professionals
- Employees in organizations related with care of elders and people with dementia
- Non-professionals caregivers of people with dementia (family members friends, relatives)
- Students of health professions

The program is open for 20 students and 20 professionals/non-professionals caregivers. For this reason, the order of priority will be kept in the registration process.
The objective of the program is:
- Providing specialized knowledge on dementia.
- Understanding the needs of patients with dementia and their families.
- Dealing with anxiety.
- Providing knowledge of methods of supporting and caring people with dementia

The training will start on Monday 09.03.2020 and it will be completed on Tuesday 17.03.2020, and expect from the on-line educational material it will also include 4 meetings in Patras, on following dates: Tuesday 10.03.2020, Wednesday 11.03.2020, Monday 16.03.2020 and Tuesday 17.03.2020.
In details, the modules to be developed are the following:
- ModuleIntroduction to the training program
- ModuleCore approach to human
- ModuleNon-pharmacological interventions and sensory stimulation
- ModuleChallenges on behavior of people with dementia and how to deal with them
- ModuleHow to communicate with people with dementia, their families and their colleagues
- ModuleFriendly environment for people with dementia
- ModuleHow to become a caregiver in a family of a person with dementia
- ModuleThe anxiety on work and the working exhaustion of caregivers
The coordinator of the training program is Prof. Apostolos Vantarakis (Professor of University of Patras/Medical Department).
Responsible for the education of the program is Mr. Panagiotis Alexopoulos, Epicurus Professor Psychiatry GUHP.
The trainers of the program are:
- Georgia Voukelatou, Psychiatrist, Scientifically responsible on the Unit for caring elders “Aineias”.
- Theofano Mavrovounioti, Social Worker
- Christina Malfa, Social Worker
Evaluators will be:
- Prof. Apostolos Vantarakis (Professor of University of Patras/Medical Department)
- Ioanna Mihou, Director of Nursing, GUHP
The participation in the program is free of charge and after the completion of the program, the participants will receive certificate of attendance, provided they have attended all the modules and actions of the training program.
Interested people can declare their interest for the participation in the training program, by sending an e-mail: ,
This e-mail should include their name, the date of birth and their status (professional caregiver, non-professional caregiver of people with dementia/family member, student).
Applications will be accepted until Thursday 05.03.2020.
Organizations: University of Patras,