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Life expectancy in Europe has increased and the term active ageing is frequently used. Active ageing is the procedure of optimizing the life quality of people, helping them stay in charge of their own lives for as long as possible, as they age. Seniors can exploit their capabilities in order to live with prosperity and be active in the society. It contributes in their mental health and they do not feel marginalized.


Α European Project for seniors was completed. This Project is BEPRESEL (BEtter PRΕparation for SEnior Life) and aims at preparing seniors for their coming years. Project partners are from Poland (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski), Italy (Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg), Slovenia (Ljudska Univerza), and Denmark (Aof Skanderborg-Odder Aftenskolle και Sosu Østjylland).

Many seniors continue to lose their self-esteem and thus depend from others to help them.

According to a survey in Denmark, while seniors understand the concept of active ageing, it appears that they still seek help and care. They lose quality years of their lives as they face the aging process with false social stereotypes, prejudices and personal beliefs.

Aim of BEPRESEL project was, through the help of trainers, to provide seniors the knowledge of the biological function of the aging mechanism. With this tool they will be able to determine when they lose, maintain or improve their abilities, and depending on the outcome they can seek the correct treatment.

The project was completed in the 4 mentioned countries and the participation of the seniors was great. The Project material is available in 5 languages on the site

It is obvious that life of seniors has raise the awareness of people which aims to provide them with a better quality of life. One more European Project for seniors is DEAL. It focuses at improving the living conditions of people with dementia.

The more active a senior is, the better quality in life and independence will have.

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