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4th DEAL Transnational Meeting featured

Our final transnational project meeting took place on Tuesday 17th November 2020. DEAL partners’ were met online to discuss the final steps for the finalization of the project outcomes and the implementation of the remaining activities.


Final outputs and project activities


  • Video for caregivers of people with dementia

Partners will create a video aiming to elevate the status of the care for people with dementia. The video will contain interviews from caregivers from all the involved countries. It will be ready until the end of December 2020 and it will be available on English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Denmark and Dutch.


  • Policy paper

Partners will develop a policy paper which will be addressed to relevant stakeholders (Ministry of Health, etc.). This policy paper, which will be completed until December, will record the current situation in Europe, with particular reference to partners countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Netherlands), regarding the issue of dementia and the provision of care to patients with dementia (and their families).


  • Multiplier Event

Partners from Denmark, Italy and Netherlands have already implemented Multiplier Events in their countries for promoting project’s outputs. In Greece, a Multiplier Event will take place at the beginning of December 2020 and it will be organized by the Greek partners. Caregivers of people with dementia, care staff, family members of people with dementia and all those who are interested in this issue will participate to the last Multiplier Event of our project.

Stay with us and we will keep informing you about our upcoming activities!