Dementia-friendly environment

People with dementia want to participate in society as long as possible, but that is not always easy. There is a taboo around dementia and not everyone knows what the disease entails.

In some countries, organisations take initiative to create a more dementia friendly society. This is for instance the case in the Netherlands, where “Alzheimer Nederland” has been committed to a dementia-friendly Netherlands with the campaign ‘Together we make the Netherlands dementia-friendly’. The goal is that by 2020 everyone in the Netherlands knows what dementia means and can help people with dementia and their caregivers.

In Hong Kong, these small information videos have been produced to educate people about dementia. The videos were used in a dementia campaign to create understanding and awareness of dementia in the population and have been shown on big screens around the cities (malls, squares, etc.)

Have a look at the awesome videos – it is a new and exciting way to try to make us understand why some people with dementia act and react as they do


Dementia Going01 – meal; what goes together


Dementia Going02 – putting on clothes – how is that?


Dementia Going03 – communication/nonsense


Dementia Going04 – difficulty walking 


Dementia Going05 – sense of orientation 


Dementia Going06 – problem-solving


Dementia Going07 – fine motor skills


Dementia Going08 – foggy reading 


Dementia Going09 – concept disturbance 

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