Working environment in nursery homes

When working with citizens with severe dementia and at times with behavior that challenges staff, be aware that it can be stressful to staff psychosocial excesses. Sparring and supervision may be needed to gain new insights to understand and handle situations.

As an employee and relatives, it is important to keep in mind that you cannot change the person with dementia, but you can change the way you meet her/him yourself. We must assume responsibility for the relationship, using the knowledge we have about the individual citizens and BPSD in general.


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Forebyggelse og behandling af adfærdsmæssige og psykiske symptomer hos personer med demens. Nationale retningslinjer. Sundhedsstyrelsen 2019

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Hvidbog om demens og socialpædagogik Steen Kabel, Forlaget stenkabel for Socialpædagogerne, marts 2017

Literature in English:

Brooker Dawn, Person centered dementia care, making service better, 2007, Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Kitwood Tom, Dementia reconsidered, 1997 Open University Press

Thomas, William H. (2006). In the Arms of Elders: A Parable of Wise Leadership and Community Building. Acton, MA: VanderWyk & Burnham.

Thomas, William H. (2014). Second Wind: Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper and More Connected Life. New York: Simon and Schuster

NaRCAD (the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing) 2013, Management of the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia,

Alzheimer’s disease international

Global action plan on public health response to dementia

Dementia Care Central: Behavior, Mood & Emotional Chalanges with Dementia and strategies for Coping (

National Health services UK: Coping with dementia behaviour changes ( Beroepscode van Verpleegkundigen en Verzorgenden

Beroepscode van Verpleegkundigen en Verzorgenden

Skills for Health : Code of conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England (